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OK, little late but still within the month ^^

The kitten pin up for January (don't worry, I'm working on the Sunday as of right now and plan on having it online later today :))

This was not planned to be a lingerie motif. I was laying it out as Mino looking under the cover (for...whatever reason...probably just checking on her 'glow in the dark dinosaur'-collection). however, I didn't knew what she should be wearing. First I just had her in her pajama. But then I thought that's not very pin-upish ....so instead she got a cute cherry/lace outfit. 

Hope you like it :)



Nick Klepac

Wow, very nice, and I love cherries. I could see her thinking "what do you have under here?"

Philip Rauschert

I have a cat who will plant himself in the middle of the bed while I am making it. Sometimes I pick him up and put him elsewhere but once in a great while, I just make the bed with him in it. There's a little lump in the middle of the bed for about four seconds and then he crawls out and goes elsewhere. I'm not sure why he persists in doing this. He's got to know the motions I am making when I'm making the bed. But I suspect it's one of those tests of wills.


Our cat loves doing that too. He sometimes launches himself all into the bed. It's like a fun game for him. Hubby (or I) have to hold him or lock him out in order to finish the job XD


thank you. I felt the cherries were really cute too (although they look a bit clustered/too busy)