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My apologies for being so late. I meant to finish this last Sunday but I got derailed and...well, here we are ^^"

(Don't worry Kitten fans, Mino's pin will come this week, Sunday at the latest. :))

Sedine in a tiger (or wildcat-) outfit is not necessarily a new concept. but since 2022 is the year of the tiger I just had to draw that motif. I mean...tigers are kitty cats too! (Not gonna lie, when I see footage of big cats my reaction is pretty much the same as if they were housecoats...I simply like cats, k XD)

To give this illustration a different feel compared to the 'wild candy' illustration I did a few month's back (or was it a few years?) I wanted to give it a shadow overlayment , like sunlight shining through a forest area. I'm overall very happy how it turned out. Granted, I wish sedine's body was a bit clearer visible . but overall that's what tigers are...forest ninjas XD (or more like forest chameleons?...wait, chameleons live in forest....jungles....you know what I mean XD

Hope you like it ^^ 
