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Didn't...get a lot of stuff done last week, well, besides comics. lol

But I don't want to fall behind Patreon stuff too much so I thought I gonna share a peek into my actual sketchbook, the one which usually has drafts and just more or less rough stuff that's not really meant to be shared (although most of my sketches are rough anyway so...dunno what I'm talking XD)

Either way, it's mostly side characters and stuff I draw to either get myself hyped or just getting used to them or so. Not sure if that's necessary something you wanna see. But either way, I hope you enjoy those. 

First 'in SECURITY' related and then 'Kitten' :)

1.) Tiger onesies. I kinda hinted that I wanted to do something with the tiger theme of this year. That was meant to be a hint to the next pin up, tho. But I kinda liked the idea of a cuter chibi motif. So here it is ^^ I may color this one because, well, it's adorable :))

2.) Diner chibis....or at least four one them. I actually wanted to do the whole team, or at least the key players....but then I lost steam and dropped the idea XD

I don't know how much I'm actually allowed to talk about the players because a lot will be addressed within the strip. But I can tell a bit...such as Cole Slaugh looks like this because he's really nervous XD

Or that Kinz is my fav design since he looks like a real chill dude. I kinda look at him as the bestie of the whole team who can easily make friends, even in the opponent team (hence that he has the lowest injury rate since other players tend to not be too rough with him. Even Mashew is steering clear of him if he can help it...kill 'em with kindness, my boy!)

D'salad on the other side is probably my fav player. He's dry and grumpy but probably one of the most intelligent players amongst the diners. Sadly many of his commentaries fly over peoples heads at times. I was hoping to use him as a greek chorus but I kinda doubt we have the time or the room for that :/

3.) Hans! When I designed Hans (who's original name was Han, btw) my husband was not happy with him being skinny. I mean, he's a safety. So he should be a rather buff dude. Well, I eventually convinced hubby of my idea of Hansi and...he took it to town...literally. He was just meant to be this background character that munches away on sweets. But Hubby felt like giving him a bit of a character arc with some 'Dare Devil' ref. Hey, I'm not even mad! :D

I really like him and it's always fun drawing strips with him. Although I don't think the audience is really digging him. It seems like the interaction with the strips about him are on the lower end (guess the hint of doping doesn't fly too well with the readers...) Either way, his character arc will be concluded by...February (I think). Kinda looking forward for this :3

4.) Kid Evol. Not much to say about him. his appearance was based on Derek Carr and Andy Dalton. His character/personality however is completely made up and has no connection with the two players (fun fact, the Skippers were overall based on the Raiser's uniform. Not that I'm a big fan of them. But I always thought they look intimidating 0.0)

My idea behind Kid was that he's from a long line of NFU players, but  unlike he's grandfather, father and brothers he kinda stinks at the game. hence he has to play dirty to get to win....well, hubby rejected that idea. Instead we just made him to be an elitist who feels like 'fanboys belong into the stands, not onto the field'. Works for me, tho :)

5.) Rock Mashew-the Quarter Backer Wrecker. 

Little sinister motif but, man...that dude is sinister. He was based on Clay Matthews, or rather on a particular play in which Matthews broke the arm of the Bears QB back in...2016? I'm not sure. Ever since we kinda nicknamed him as 'Quarter-backer-wrecker' and felt like a guys like this could be the perfect antagonist, or at least an element of danger. The Karma thing was an after thought. We basically needed a reason that he could get away with being a ruthless player. And the idea that refs  feared the wrath of the fans (because "Mashew's is such a good man, don't penalize him!!!!") that they turned a blind eye to him fit kinda well. 

Just like with Kid, Rock is not meant to be a 1:1 copy of Clay. It's just or interpretation of the player on field. Not of the person himself (I highly doubt he does the whole karma stuff in order to be rough XD)

6.) The announcers. They were designed of the seat of my pants. Hubby just handed me over the strip they were in the first time and...I had to whip out a design for them. Thing is, they play a bigger part later on so I couldn't just crap something out and move on.

I'm actually very happy on how they turned out. Although I wish hubby would've followed my tone instructions. grrrr. 

I wanted some funky pattern on the tall guy's suit (I wanna name him Joachim) and a toned jacket on the other guy (he kinda looks like a Francis to me)....hubby just toned their suits uniform. buhu! ;A;

Kitten stuff

7-8.) Kitties!

OK, not much to say about these two ladies. I'm currently drafting on a potential spin off to 'Kitten'. It's...really early stage and looks really meh at the moment. But since I won't start drawing it until later this year anyway I have plenty of time on working on it. so we are all good. 

However, while I don't mind designing characters off the cuff. Here and there I feel like I need some very specific designs for foreshadowing and stuff. And these two ladies are two of them. 

The one with the short hair I already showed of a while ago...I forgot if I wanted to call her Rosa or Rosalie XD Either way, she's a deaf perfumer.

The other girls name is Maybelle  and she's an artist/painter that lives in a secluded cats-only town. I'm still contemplating making her a Calico as well. But I'm not sure. P:

9.) Jackie! because...dude lives rent free in my head and is always fun to sketch. (and I really like his sinister plotting expression. He's not an antagonist...but he Sure likes to act like one XD)

10.) Pre-f*ed up Wally. 

Some have assumed that he's far older than Jack. Well, he is actually the younger one of the two (even if it's just by a few months). 

Like it was mentioned in one of the recent 'Kitten' episodes, he did hit rock bottom at some point. But prior to that, he looked like this. It's quite awkward to see him clean shaven and without bags under his eyes. ...

11-12.) Mom?

OK, I'm really, really proud of this design. Even if it's not that earth shattering or special. But I think she looks so cool! The legendary Mechthild Anger, Jack's foster mom (and her bestie Gundula/Gundel)

The story behind her design was...a comment section...in which someone ask what 'Karens' are called in their country. Some dude said in Germany they are called 'Mechthilds' (are they, tho?)

I dunno why but....man, what a badass name. It doesn't sound necessarily cool but it sounds so strong and harsh (and guess what, the name does mean 'strong warrior' so it suits the image it triggers in me).  Like a woman who eats her cereal with vodka instead of milk and is capable of swinging a tree trunk at you if you push he to!

I dunno, I really had to draw a character that was named that. Well, and since Jack's mom didn't have a design or identity yet...there ya go.

Sad thing...it's kinda dumb of me to design her since she won't even be in the comic ;A; At least not for a loooooooooong time. But...meh, who cares, right?

Story behind her is that she never had a husband or children and then the kitten some local brat pushed onto her turned into a toddler and she was all like "do I really have to!?" 

...she did end up taking responsibility and Jack really doted on her...I could write a whole essay on them but I probably shouldn't ^^" 

Either way, that's it for now.

I really hope you like the sketch log and that huge block of text I wrote with it. I'll get back to proper sketches and stuff asap. But first, Sunday comics and pin ups ^^

Thanks for reading



Nick Klepac

Amazing, that was fun.

Denial Leon

Jackie's Smug face is a thing of beauty.

Mike K.

Soooooooo much thought put into everything … 💭🤔✨

Julius J. Marold

All of these show promise but I really liked the hair styles on pages 7 and 8. Nice work.

Philip Rauschert

Ah, The Metamorphosis, I haven't laughed as much in a long time. Loved the role reversal but likewise all the cutesy names. I suspect everyone has cute names for their cats. My wife seems to thrive on them. Such examples are Beasty-Boy, Snuggle-Bunny-Boo, Cocoa-Roo, Hazel-Rah, and Itty-bitty-Kitty. Me? I fear I just don't have the knack. My only addition to the family nickname pot is Gamer-Cat from Cocoa's tendencies to put his paw upon the keyboard while I'm playing a computer game. That's pretty much it. Ah well. Anyway, thanks for the chuckle, it was most appreciated as I was bouncing back from the seasonal flu at the time and it helped.

Luigi Bros

I need to see Momma Anger in the comic. From 2 pages if sketches I can already tell you have given her an amazing character!