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I...didn't mean to use the blue pencil for this one....but I grabbed for the wrong one and, bam, cold sketch XD

Although fits kinda well since sleeping, night time and such...

Y'know, I'm not sure if I'm comfy drawing them doing couple stuff and getting all smoochy and stuff because, technically, they aren't dating. But it feels like once they do I kinda can wrap up the comic since it feels like it's the end goal and no point on showing what's after that...does that make sense?

HOWEVER!...I feel like people like to see some cutesy couple pics. I'm mean, I adore fan arts of my fav ships as well...even if they are non-canon and never gonna happen :/

So...yeah, here ya go :P



Nick Klepac

Doesn't make sense. Once you get the girl, life doesn't end, plenty of room for fun, crazy stuff, and of course dealing with his mother. Then little fuzzy one's...

Julius J. Marold

Well, I did mention Mino having a litter of humans some time ago :o) But yes, I understand becoming burnt out after you've run the whole story for a while. If you still want to carry on after Rupp and Mino become "a couple", you've introduced several characters both in Kitten and In Security who could become new strips in their own light. You're the artist and you are the only one who can decide whether to carry on. In any case, your supporters are here and will support you. Thanks for all you do.


I mean, I personally tire of romance stories that end when they finally get together and go "and they lived happily ever after! the end!" Like, I'm 100% down for exploring what their happily ever after looks like, and especially the inevitable struggles along the journey. But of course, we have "in SECURITY" to scratch that itch :) It's up to you, of course. If you find no creative point in continuing after they start dating, then you don't and that's perfectly fine. But if you think you might like to, well... you'll have an eager audience 😊

Serra Britt

I'd love to see them end up together, but that's just me being a shipper XD And echoing some of these other sentiments, not all of these stories have to end once the couple gets together... ♥

Philip Rauschert

Agreeing with Serra. After all, she's still a cat and a relationship with a cat will always have it's comical moments. Me to Hazel: Sorry kitty, I gotta move you to the chair now 'cause I have to strip the bed. Hazel: I don't wanna. Me: Moves her to fluffy chair with blankets and stuff. Hazel: Well maybe I don't wanna nap any more. She pads off in a huff.


I just feel like the dynamic is different and not like how I intended. Dunno, weird to describe, I guess ^^"


Thank you so much. I really appreciate that ;A; I'm a bit like a dragon, but I don't hoard gold. I hoard comics atm. It's kinda difficult for me to give up a project. I'd rather add new ones to my pile...and that will bite me in the bum, sooner or later. ^^" But I appreciate the heads up a hell of a lot :)


Thank you so much. I get what you mean. Personally speaking, I like the idea of a promise into a better future but I don't necessarily need to see it. However, I get the aspect that it doesn't need to be over once the prince has the princess and stuff....I will keep it in mind :)


Yeah, me too. Even if some story has nothing to do with romance. But there is sometimes this real neat character dynamic that just needs to be a head canon X3 But back to the comment, I will contemplate that. I mean...in one of the next episodes it will be addressed and I'll see where I take it from there :)


Thank you so much. yeah, that's true. Cats can be fuzzy spouses as well XD Although I see mine more like a spoiled child XD Either way, thank you for your support. it means a lot to me ^^

Serra Britt

It will always be up to you in the end, and I will always support your story direction :)