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Charlene...but you are Roy...and sharing your scarf with her...and happy ^^

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Little Charlene sketch with, well, a scarf (like I hinted on doing) The month is not over yet and since my schedule opened up a tad I'll try to pump a few more sketches in for you.

Thank you for your patients and support.

Hope you like the artwork and have a very Merry Christmas ^^





Merry Christmas!

Alistair Star

You're right. I am happy sharing it with her😊. And a Merry Christmas to you too!🎄.

Julius J. Marold

As you know, I'm a Charlene fan and have been since the beginning. I really like your work but this one is extraordinary! Love it and thank you for it. Hope your Christmas was a Merry on and your New Year is the best you've ever had. -JJM

travis duryea

Wait a second, if I'm really and it's 6:30 p.m. right now, am I late for work? O_o

Serra Britt

D'aww, that's a cute motif!


Thanks, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Nick Klepac

So cute, thank you. Merry Christmas to all!

Philip Rauschert

Yes, definitely cute. But that sort of comes naturally to Charlene.