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And the last set of the trucker arc. I somewhat expected a bit of backlash over them eating the truck over the cliff. I mean...it's quite a wasteful move and people tend to take the weirdest things serious....gladly, not this one (I know, I know. Ask my husband, he witnessed me overthinking the weirdest stuff when it comes to comic creating XD)

It was actually based on a story of a friend of ours who's trucking and his company is literally getting rid of trucks as soon as their warranty expires...0_0"

I mean...if it works for them, cool I guess....but still kinda weird ^^



Went Brown

Okay I dont like where Ellie's thoughts are going...........

Philip Rauschert

Actually, I thought it was a rollicking and funny end to the arc. Especially the "SCREW That Movie" bit. There is just something vaguely satisfying when you catch the allusion.