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Little line up of all my cat peeps (can’t believe I got them all on one sketchpage 😅). I was kinda BS-ing someone the other day when I claimed I have not introduced another female cat, ever. I totally forgot about the chubby clerk kitty xD (funny. although, she’s supposed to be chubby. But she has actually rather realistic proportions. 0.0)

…still, the male to female ratio is way off…especially since this is a comic about a cat GIRL…don’t worry I’m working on it 🤗

update on my move. New place is close to set up. Have to do some painting and cleaning. But no more roaches (So far) Just a little lizard in the garage. And I’m cool with that little guy (as long as he doesn’t come into the house, lol.) Hopefully by Tuesday I have internet again. But I can’t promise it. I’ll keep y’all updated 😊



Kyle Dragon

Overlay this on a cityscape background and that would make 1 legit desktop wallpaper

Alistair Star

Now I hope one day all 5 of them will be in one place in the comic. Or 6 if you count...the little eyepatch kitty boy. Don't remember his name. Or was it that his name hasn't been mentioned yet?


I think his name is simply "Mister." That's what the lady who took him in calls him, and that's also what Bea called him in her "Hiatus and Updates" two posts ago.

Nick Klepac

Boy and girl ratio. I was hoping Rupert and Mino would get together.

Nick Klepac

Lizards are good, have them in my house. They eat roaches, spiders, ants and flies. And they are clean like cats.

Philip Rauschert

From 1000 BC. "The lizard you can hold in your hands, yet he is found in the palace of the king."


Yep, little eye patch boy’s name in Mister Nice Guy (or Mister for short) and he’s my actual cat just reinterpreted as a cat child. I have a couple ideas how to hook up the cat characters. But nothing is in stone yet. I got to daydream a little and, well, a lot is still coming. :)


Oh, I don’t mind them. They are cute…but I’d rather not have them in the house. They can eat the roaches in our garage ^^”