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Since my husband already talked about this in the WT comment section, and I was asked to share it here too, here is my take on what's going on.

First and foremost, 'in SECURITY' will NOT end next year. We planned an original run that would last five years. We reached that fifth year and it will conclude with the reveal of what's going on with Hubbs. That's the original story we wrote and plotted out a couple years ago.

After that we will have a short hiatus and then continue on with year 6. Only difference, the comic will be drawn digitally and (maybe) on a new schedule. As of right now I'm thinking of three-four days/week. But we have to see how hubby adapts to the digital medium and if that would speed up the drawing process. 

I'm a little bit upset that many readers interpret my husband's comment as a solid confirmation of the end of the comic. It really isn't. Although I do have my issues keeping up my spirits atm (mostly because I'm facing a lot of work and the immense task of rescuing Ellie's character from the 'most hated list') I really enjoy drawing this comic and I'd like to keep it going somehow, even if we have to switch to longer updates on a weekly base. It really needs to be figured out, yet. 

However, we do have other projects planned. We are currently plotting a graphic novel idea, I'm having a few scripts for some short stories, perhaps another strip idea and we are currently looking into another attempt of starting a YouTube channel. 

These projects are not because we are bored of 'in SECURITY', it's more or less attempts to keep our revenue up. One of the ugly truths about being a webcomic artist full time is that you constantly need to keep going and provide new stuff. Audiences get bored with your work and leave, ad-revenues dwindle, price of living rises and, honestly, I can't expect people to back us until all eternity (even if they still enjoy our work). So we are constantly looking into future projects to keep us going.

This is not me whining or begging. Believe me, I feel extremely flattered that we have such a loyal audience and I'm thankful for all of you.  It's merely an explanation on what's going on.

Bottom line, I'm not going anywhere, neither is 'in SECURITY'. If of all things you can expect more work coming down the line in the future (assuming we can speed up the artwork once we go digital. But I'm rather positive, tbh). I hope that brings some peace of mind :) 

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day


PS.: also, my apologies for my absents in the comment section. I'm not avoiding anyone or being lazy. The opposite is the case, currently I'm overloaded with work and spend pretty much all of my time drawing in order to get both of our comics securely back on their usual schedule. However, I admit that I'm lacking communication skills and I will do my best to reply to comments every other day. I hope for your understanding.


Josh Nickerson

Looking forward to seeing what you two come up with.

Christopher Vickers

Glad to hear that 'in Security' is continuing beyond your original 5 year plan, Bea. It's a testament to your talents that you created a comic strip with such strong themes of marriage and family that appeals to a guy like me that has little to no interest in either.


Thank you. I'm glad that I could appeal with the strip also to a bachelor . That's quite cool ^^ I hope you will enjoy the future misadventures as well :)