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Mike K was so nice and sent me some brush pens for my birthday. I was familiar with the company that made them but never used that particular product. So I made a simple portray sketch just to play around with them...well, at least for the hair and dress (the skin is still copic because nothing beats copic ;)

My reaction is....I dunno. It's not quite my cup of tea. But then again, new medium always need some practice and stuff. So I probably have to play around with them more. The yellow and orange did mix nicely tho. But the pink does not get along with the purple. I actually went over it again with a water color brush to blend the colors. Thankfuly my sketchbook was mixed media so I didn't ruin the sketch with the water. But...the shades still didn't mix the way I wanted them too.

Well, I gonna keep trying :)

Hope you like it ^^




I think it looks very good

Nick Klepac

I like it too. Very nice. Sedine is so pretty!


Wonderful portrait of Sedine! Seems to show her sweet side, with just a touch of potential naughtiness! 👍🏻

Serra Britt

New tools always feel weird! The picture still looks great :)