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...you don't want to see her angry ;)

I think everyone knew Sedine would not keep her job. But I hope we were able to surprise you with the reason behind her lost job. Although I wonder how risqué it was, tbh ^^"  



Julius J. Marold

You needn't worry about "risque". At least on Gocomics, In Security doesn't even make the top ten. Webtoons also has a large collection (from what I've seen so far) of "risque" strips. Even your current arc with Ellie having a baby in the Beetle wouldn't qualify. Gross maybe (glad it wasn't in color) but no way risque. But keep trying, "risque" can be fun :o)


She absolutely reminds me of Sedine's misguided makeover. The best part of playing dress-up is taking it off. Chuckle.