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Sorry for posting my first official February post so late. Not gonna lie, during our hiatus I want to do a fast and....it already tears on my energy ^^"

...And seeing Sedine shuffling Burgers into her face doesn't help XD (don't worry, I did fasts in the past and the first and third week are the worst. By next week I should be over the hump and hopefully a bit better in energy management, lol

The burger strip. This one was inspired by the Youtuber Matt Stonie. If you wanna know how much fits into a human stomach....that's the place to go. we found his channel a couple years ago and are still shocked how much and how fast he can eat it. And that guy isn't even big, you know. My bet is still that he has a black hole in his stomach. But what do I know.

I'm usually in pain after two cheeseburgers so.....yeah, no big mac challenge for this gal ._.

All the small things....this was a reaction to the request to show Sedine and Sam interact more lovingly with each other. We wanted to show sam being a bit of a supportive voice but also trying to appeal to SEdine with some reasoning... I still love that last panel ^^

And catsploitation ....I love lol-cats and I love cats in general. So naturally I love watching cat videos. Guess Ow has his different opinion about it. Well, when you think how poor Grumpy cat got dragged around due to her Internet fame, you can't really blame Ow for not playing along with this circus ;)



Nick Klepac

I love Sedine's comment "I'm a small thing." Cute. As for cats, they are cute... that is all I'll say about that:-D

Julius J. Marold

To answer Sam's question in the last panel, "you don't want to know"...


I know, I know. You made it pretty clear how you feel about kitties....and SEdine ;)