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Hi there, today the first batch of our books arrived. Yay! :D (I kinda thought it would take longer ^^)

For those who send me an email to pre-order it, I’ll reply to your mail with payment details and stuff throughout tonight and tomorrow. No hurry with the payment BUT I will ship on only on Mondays. So if I don’t hear back from you before Sunday night, your book will ship a week later ^^

On the other side, if you don’t get a reply from me by Friday, feel free to drop me another email or PM (just in case I overlooked something or the spamfilter ate it @.@

Thank you so much for your support and your interest in our new book. In case you missed the pre-order post, you can still purchase the book for $25 (US-wide shipping included) through me via email: Bear@polarcomm.com

Thanks a lot and see ya soon :D

PS.: where is kitty? ;)
