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So many WIPs and I don't know what to talk about them anymore ;A;

In this batch we resolved two plot points. one was SEdine and the lost rings. Gabby saved the day :)

This was an idea we had since the start and I still feel really good about it. I mean...it's simple yet it did the trick so....yay :D

Also biiiig cliff hanger that shocked and puzzled most of our audience. Who was interrupting the wedding. Only two people of hundred+ comments got it right (your cookies are in the mail ;P)

sad thing, like with the trick&treaters, a lot have already forgotten about the CEO and his vows to get back at Ellie. so...this gamble of having him back here (which was planned ever since the cellphone arc) didn't really played off after all :/

But hey, I got you on the edge of you seats after all ;)



travis duryea

The CEO bit, had me laughing out of bed that morning, i loved it

Nick Klepac

Yea, Gabby! I didn't forget about the CEO, just didn't expect him at the wedding of all places. I expected a separate arc for him. However, I do love the way you did this - full of suspense and most definitely a total surprise.