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Ok, and here the first three WIPs of the wedding arc.

A lot of people were disappointed that Sam got the role of the Bridesmaid...But seriously, I think Ellie is closer to Sam than to Sedine that it's rather reasonable for her to choose him. (besides, Sedine was really screwing around with El. Why reward her.....but then again, without Sed there would be no Hubbs...hm....)

That Hubbs choose Roy was, hopefully, unexpected....for both the audience and Roy XD But I kinda like those two bonding once in a while. I think they have a nice dynamic which make them a neat comedy duo, if you ask me :)

One thing I wasn't aware of....the bridesmaid and the best man should dance together at one point. Gosh, I wish I knew that. We could've made a strip/joke around that  XD

the name joke was not meant to be disrespectful towards farmers btw. I'm not sure if anyone read it as such. But I just wanted to clarify it ^^

The joke was rather simple. We wanted to address both of their names and....yeah, that's pretty much it ^^"

Hope you like it. I'm a bit behind posting stuff. The next WIP probably come on Thursday. Tomorrow I'll try to get a  sketch together and the next pin up is scheduled for Sunday (I'm nearly done with that one already. Wohoo!!!



Nick Klepac

Well, I think I understood all you rattled off:-) Sam as the bridesmaid, really? Different, for sure. I was hoping on Sedine:( Good choice on Roy though. Sure glad I didn't pick my best man on a "reward" basis. Poor guy would still be hungry. (My best man couldn't make it due to emergency military duty and we were getting married in Vegas so I found a homeless person and paid him $20 to be my best man.)