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Gosh, the new Sonic design looks lit! XD

Ok, joke aside. I saw a copic drawing of Hatsune Miku online in which she had blue hair with light green highlights. I thought that looked pretty neat so I wanted to do something similar with Sedine. Sadly...I only had two shades of blue (both you can see here). The lighter one was unsuitable for the green highlights. So I choose the darker one for her hair....which gives some serious Sonic-the hedgehog vibes off, if you ask me XD

Also, omg, Sedine in pants!. That makes her look so...mature 0_0




Very cute indeed. =)

Julius J. Marold

Very nice. The hair came out great. The "green" highlights came out as a lighter blue on my screen but not as light as the blue in her clothes which actually looks gray. Guess I still have work to do on my display and no, I'm not color blind. The thing I liked best was her mouth being (almost) closed. The tongue adds to the cute part and you're right, the pants do give her a more mature look. Nice work. :o)


Man, one day I drive you nuts with all those colors. Sorry about that ^^ Monitors are tricky, but what you see so far looks pretty close, I think :)