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Yeah, our favorite time of the year XD

Strangely enough I had more upbeat than annoyed comments on this 'yearly ritual' arc thnn I expected <,<

This year we decided to shake things up a bit and had Sam's parents arrive first...in their brand new mobile home XD

I forgot why we choose a mobile home for them, tho. There was a reason....besides the weed smoking, I mean.

One of the things I wanted to do this year was keeping things short. Apparently I somewhat failed in the second week. But at least the entry of the first two sets of parents was quick and snappy....although we couldn't avoid some sort of yelling after all ^^




I love it when these in-laws get together. I like Sedine in the Virgin-killer dress even more!

Julius J. Marold

Her hair gets a lot longer in the last panel. Scotch will do that.