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Ah Sunday? On a Wednesday? Well that can only mean one thing!...someone screwed up...again xD

well, better late than never , right? ^^”

This was one of the first jokes we came up for the HubbsxAl scenario and it was based on a clip of the end of a Steelers game (I think against the Ravens(?)) in which they showed a hug between Roethlisberger and Brown which got me all squealy and full fujoshi-mode that I’m not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed about it XD. Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but I thought it was a really neat scene and I truly enjoy this kind of ‘off field’ interaction of the players when it comes to Football....

Well....when you think of the current headlines, Hubbs can call himself lucky that he doesn’t have a Roethlisberger/Brown  relationship with Al....oh, the heart break when the illusions is over ;^; 

Anyway, at this point the joke is a bit ill timed since Hubbs already thinks Al is seeing Ellie, so why encouraging him in getting another girl....but I liked that joke and didn’t want to drop it ^^

next Sunday will be about Sedine again and have some fanservice, tehee. Now we can only hope I get it together in time again ._.”



Nick Klepac

Hubbs you are playing stupid again, and it looks like you are winning.


Ellie must have bought that thinking it was about marshmallow birds. XD So I guess Hubbs and "Al" have officially healed all wounds?(Although it was all a misunderstanding)