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Well...I saw your comments about the last sketch this morning and instead of taking care of the (way overdue Sunday) I ended up playing around with this sketch. 

Yay or Nay? For Charlene it‘s apparently a Nay. But thankfully she has no say in this XD 

(don’t worry, you still get a Sunday this month ^^ 



Michael Minnott

It might be a little too busy adding Charlene, so maybe just stick with Sedine and Ellie. However, if everyone else wants all three of them I won't complain.

Michael Minnott

I may be jumping the gun here, but will you be doing Inktober this year? I realize you're already slammed with the daily strip and pinups, but I'm just doing my part to keep you overwhelmed. ; )


I think I have a bigger problem with the layout. I’m just not satisfied how to layout the motive :< I would like to crop in closer but...that cuts off too much of the girls :/


I’m not sure. I’d like to but not sure what and how to squeeze it in. I’m a little behind with everything atm :(