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Or how someone called it in the comments: 'The devil's lettuce'...although I think we talk about a different type of weed here <,<

As people already guessed it, it's a reference of the 70's movie 'Demon Seed', in which an AI tried to impregnate a woman in order to give birth to itself. (the movie is actual rather good. I enjoyed it)

In our version we switched the roles and made the guy the object of desire. Which is kinda funny since I'm not sure how popular Sam really is with the ladies (he seems to do well with some of our male audience tho...well, and with me since he's totally my type too. But that's a different story XD)

The idea of dressing up the babies as super hero and a magical girl came rather spontaneously.  But I like their get- up. I hope to bring them back in one of the future stories :)



Julius J. Marold

Thanks for the jpg attachments. They worked nicely.


Sure :) Apparently it’s a glitch that you can’t save the files and Patreon is working on it. But it doesn’t hurt to upload the raw files as well :)


Gabby’s inchworm seems to be as lethal as an Abram’s battle tank.