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Well...I gotta post you two WIP posts because dummy-me only took two photos of 'Midnight Anguish' and 'Demon Weed'....sorry ._."

Thing is, right now we have many short arcs or we are really speeding through arcs that I easily miss taking photos of the WIPs. Not that that is an excuse in any way. But, yeah, once the strips are inked their penciled version is gone for good :(

Anyway, midnight anguish...this arc was meant to foreshadow two arcs. One was apparently 'Monkey punch' (not the mangaka ;)) in which Hubbs faces the power of Clo-chi. The other one will be revealed soon enough. So stay tuned for that :)

I changed the artstyle on Hubbs already in this arc. I gave him a dark, prominent lower lid, cheekbones and more shadings. I wanted that he looks style-wise more like Clo-Chi and and less like an 'in SECURITY' character. Someone on Webtoons actually said that style makes him look hot (uh oh. Guess someone likes bad boys ;))

It was actually fun drawing a distressed Hubbs. But I think I get deeper into that with the 'Monkey Punch' Wips...is that name actually copyrighted by Monkey Punch? Just wondering if I could use it as the chapter title in our next book....hm? :/




I thought "Midnight Anguish" was gonna be about your cold this weekend. ;-) How are you feeling now, Bea?

Mike K.

Good question about the copyright ... I’m genuinely not sure ... ... though both “Monkey” and “Punch” are common words, and easily derived as a parody of the term “Rabbit Punch.” 🤔✨


Haha, nah, it was the title of the arc :) I feel a lot better. Nearly slept all afternoon on Saturday and took it easy on Sunday. Still have the sniffles a bit tho ^^. Thanks for asking :)


Yeah, I’m kinda curious about that. You can’t copyright words, as far as I understand. But in that matter it would be a name which is clearly associated to the person. :/