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And here it is, the strip that exposed me as a non-cellphone owner. In other words, I'm pretty much a cave man XD

(As a matter of fact, I just got my first smartphone a couple months ago. Prior to that I had a normal mobile phone back 2012...and an emergency flip phone for the car. I have to admit...I love the smartphone. It's so handy and convenient ...I just wish I had someone to call tho ._."....but then again, I don't like to talk to people <,<"...I'm my own worst enemy, oof!)

Anyway, the credit card theft was not meant to be in this arc originally. But we thought it would add some seriousness to the story. Because now the guys had a better motive to go after their wives than just 'dude, I don't like all that glitter stuff'.

I was thinking of having Roy say "...and my phone is at home!" once I notice the plot hole of calling the credit card company...unfortunately....there was no room for that. So the damage was done and we had to live with it :<



Nick Klepac

It worked out great and it was fun to watch Roy panic for once instead of causing the panic.

Nick Klepac

Yup, smart phones are fun. I pretty much can do everything on mine I can do on my laptop except write a lot. It does help us stay in contact with the kids and grand kids using "DUO" so we can talk and see each other. I even us it to do my banking (deposits) and moving money. I do not use it to read books, watch movies or play games on, the screen for me is too small to enjoy. I have the bigger S9+ but it is still too small for viewing movies. Besides, I like books that I can flip pages on.


I’m not playong games on mine either, the tough is too small for my liking. I prefer the tablet for that. Movies, I don’t know, the screen size is still in an ok range....but watching videos eats up the battery so fast :(