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It sure is! We started publishing ‘in SECURITY’ on January 2nd 2017. That’s two years ago. TWO YEARS! Wohoo!!! ^0^

It’s a great milestone especially since this comic is for the most part reader funded. 

To celebrate our two year anniversary (and Sedine's actual birthday) I want to offer a special thank you to all our Patreon supporters, no matter how long they are with us.

Say hello to 'SAILOR SEDINE'!!!

I revealed the illustration already a couple weeks ago to our patrons. She's a 3x3 inch sticker and she can be all your's! 

Every patron who signs up on our Patreon and pledges $3 before January 31st, 2019 is eligible to receive this little goodie.*

If you are already a supporter of the $3 tier or higher, you automatically qualify for the sticker (make sure to claim her by sending me a PM or email (Bear@polarcomm.com)).

*Please be aware that the sticker will be shipped out on February 6th, 2019. If you delete your pledge prior to that date or if your payment declines you won’t receive this special offer :<

Once again, thanks a lot for your support. This comic means a lot to me and I could've never done it without your help. I hope you enjoy this little gift of mine as a sign of my gratitude :D


(also, a new Pin-up will be posted later today. So stay tuned ;)



Strawberry Hellcat

Bea, the write-up you did for this over at Webtoons is a scream. Nom - AAAH!!!


Happy Birthday My RIval~! I wish you for more blessing and success in your webcomic ^_^ <3 <3


Thanks. It was a pain taking the photo with the cat, since he always tried to bite the sticker. So that snap needed to be in that entry xD