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When you don't understand what's going on so you just imagine things.

I think of the whole Thanksgiving arc this is my favorite strip. I really like the hand holding pose in the last panel and overall that the tone is rather bright and friendly (although the joke is a bit dumb XD)

What's not so bright and friendly is Sedine's mom who nearly tears up her handbag by seeing two more mouths which need to be fed XD I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to tone down her character...but then again, one screamer should be bearable. She is Sedine's mom after all :P

I try to get to reply to your comments later tonight. I'm sorry if I'm lame in socializing. But I love and appreciate all of you :3 



Julius J. Marold

"I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to tone down her character...". Let her get into the wine. Hyperactive people sometimes mellow out when they get drunk. Glad I'm not one of the neighbors with all that screeching going on. :o) Ellie is really cute in this strip.


Haha, so Sam’s dad is on downers and Sedine’s mom on alcohol? I’m afraid people will accuse us of promoting drugs that way xD

Nick Klepac

Unfortunately downers are really bad for people like Sam's dad. His wife gets him down, the government gets him down and what do they do, put him on downers. Wows. As for the alcohol, that might help Sam's mom. A mellow person is a happy person. I think she would mellow out. She isn't the type to get drunk or high and get mean.