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Ok, I want to wrap up the WIPs on this arc, so here is the second one. On thursday I'd like to move onto the Thanksgiving arc.

In the original strip my husband didn't have an outfit in mind for Gabby. However, I wanted to give her some cute outfit.

Originally I had an actual bear costume in mind (you know, because of my name :)) However, since we had the 'Gabby goes viral' arc already planned and Bee-puns are better than bear-puns, we setlled for the bee instead :)



Julius J. Marold

I clicked on "like" for the art work, particularly the fourth panel but the strip itself doesn't work for me, particularly the punch line. But I have faith, keep working on it :o)

Nick Klepac

Gabby is so cute in panel three. Get her Gabby, get her.


We had different punchlines written out for this strip and it was difficult to settle on one. Ultimately the strip could’ve ended on panel 4....but Gabby had to have the last word ;)