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Honestly...I wish I had a server to help heating the house...but then again, the electric bill would probably kill me +_+

Gabby is quite a runner, isn't she?

The most difficult thing on this strip....were all the cables. We both were a bit worried that the cables wouldn't look proper once inked and tones. But after this strip was done it looked pretty good. Although my head still spins thinking of all those lines....how can those, who are into drawing Sci-Fi comics, put up with all those mechanical details? @_@?



Nick Klepac

If you think drawing them is hard, try actually working with them. So glad I retired.


Agreed, HK!! Alas, I'm still a ways out from retirement. Also, I can personally vouch for high electric bills. I have between 6 and 8 PCs running all the time, a few of which are servers, and my electric utilization averages about 30-40% higher than a typical family home. My house is quite a bit smaller than average and I live alone. -_-


I don’t even wanna know. I have an iMac (which I consider the computer for noobs) and I don’t even want to look at anything more complicated than that xD


Holy shot. Now my question is, does it keep your house at least warm in the winter? ;)