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Aaaaaand another original draft which only made it somewhat into this arc :)

This was the main idea for today's strip. I wanted to keep the punchline of the tight pants. My husband however pushed for the 'he's my boyfriend, mine alone' line. His point was that Ellie hasn't declared Hubbs as her boyfriend yet and that we needed to enforce that. After all, Ellie still thinks they are dating ;)

Btw. this might be one of the nicest male butts I've ever drawn XD

On a side note, the current arc is all together a bit hot pot of random ideas of the past. They would've played pretty well in the first 'dating-game' of these two. But we were afraid that the arc would've been too long...so we split it into a separate arc. :)



Serra Britt

Hubbs is just nice looking all around, and it IS a nice butt here ^_^

Nick Klepac

I'll believe you on the butt part, if you say so:)


Thank you. He sure is 😍❤️ I’m really happy he’s attractive to the audience, even though he’s not drawn as a typical bi-shonen (none of them are though...one day I have to introduce one tho xD)