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I have to say...I think Sedine is on to something. 

Although Ellie just blew that friendly advice XD

First I had Sedine in a cute nightgown. But that wouldn't play with Ellie's punchline. Therefore I decided for Sedine to wear Sam's (way too big ) shirt, which is supposed to make her look like she's wearing a potatoe sack....well, I kinda failed with that since she's still way too cute and sexy in it anyway. But hey, I tried ;P  



Nick Klepac

As for Sedine's advice, very true. Most women that are extremely eye catching fail getting approached at least by descent guys. Why? Because Hollywood/TV turns those women into B.....

Julius J. Marold

That and guys are usually afraid of them. Being snubbed by someone as hot as Ellie can be a real ego bruiser (ask me how I know).

Julius J. Marold

Sedine actually looks like an adult in panel 2. Back to being a kid in panel 3.