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That guilty pleasure of drawing that dude's face...I think I already mentioned that :P

I put together some of the facial sketches because I thought you might like them. Personally speaking I always thought seeing facial or pose studies in animation art books are quite interesting.

I had a few more but...some of them were sooooo old that the design didn't match his current look anymore...so I scrapped them (for now :P)

Hubbs has the cutest smile, imo :> 



Mike K.

You do need to assemble these into a sketchbook. 💫

Mike K.

His ears really have gotten bigger since the early days, huh?


Maybe P: I do wish to get a proper artbook together with all the illustrations....but first I need enough illus ^^"


Yeah, and it wasn't really planned that way to be honest XD But the ears do have their charm...although they are a bit too big here :P