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Fashion is a big deal in this strip. Not because I'm a fashion victim (which I'm really not ^^") But because it's a great way to show off who a character really is. Besides of that it's great fun to play around with different styles and such :>

So Charlene is the prudish wallflower, therefore most of her outfits cover her up properly. I also really enjoy giving her long dresses and skirts and tops made out of wool. 

Ellie on the other hand represents more a modern female. Her closet includes whatever is in style at the moment. Jackets, tops, boots, jeans, flats and accessories with no end.

Well and Sedine...she's what's in the middle. She dresses very feminine but doesn't follow any trend. neither is she concerned to cover herself up or to show a little skin (as you probably could tell by now ;)) In other words, whatever falls into her hands and has her liking, she'll wear.

About the sketch. I tried to interpret the three women in a modern get up. Which wasn't difficult with Ellie, but a bit tricky with Charlene. I could see Sedine running around like this. But I highly doubt that Charlene would slap on T-shirt and Jeans...However, it's still kinda fun to play around in that direction anyway :)




Ich mag ja alternative versionen immer gern :D

