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I guess those WIPs are a bit more interesting than the ones with Ow last week :)

I think this is the first arc where we leave the neighborhood (aside of the strips which take place at work or such :))

And it's also the first time we see Sam's car, an old converted VW Beetle. I think this car fits him quite nice since it's quite old fashioned without being too flamboyant...like him :) 

However I soon regretted using that car since the curvy shapes are really tricky to draw...especially when it comes to put them into perspective @___@"




I love that story! "Sexy leg's power" :-)


Okay, so it's a CONVERTED VW Beetle... I wondered why you had the engine in the front rather than the back! I would think such a conversion would be very difficult, if possible at all.


Well, I have to admit I didn't plan to give him a converted Beetle. I thought smoke coming out the front was more dramatic than when it comes out the back...therefore I left the car the way I drew in my sketches XD ...It'll not the last time I drew something mechanical wrong tho. I guess I have to do better research with stuff like that ^^"