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Hey everyone.

I'm updating the work plan for December, as through illness (mental or otherwise) my plans have completely gone out of the window.

So, the newly established plan for December:

- Friday the 8th: 'Requited Change'.
- Friday the 15th: 'A Christmas Grooming' (as this needs to be completed ideally for this Christmas, it's been postponed for a year!).
- Friday the 22nd: Finishing 'A Christmas Grooming' or some more 'Requited Change' (maybe both?).
- Friday the 29th to the end of the month shall be RPG maker work/ releases.

There won't be an upload tomorrow guys, sorry, I've had to work on myself a bit this past week to get myself back up on the horse again.

Don't forget that you can all get free access to everything now. All you have to do is unsub, go to my front page, click the ellipsis, and choose 'Join for Free'.

I'm currently getting all the advertising side ready, wish me luck for the upcoming month, and for those leaving I hope you all have a great holiday season! May Santa bring you what you want in that big bursting sack of his... wait, that sounds... ew.


Reiko Lupus

RPG Maker Work/Releases in a month?! Nice!

Cole jones

I wish you good luck with this plan and hope it works out. Also if you need to please take you time your health comes first.