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Hey all of you wonderful patrons.

I want to just let you all know that I am starting my break this week onwards and not returning until Friday the 19th of May.

My mental health this past week took a nosedive to the point where I needed intervention from a crisis team.

I don't want to dwell on this point, and all of its implications, so I just want to put a positive spin on this and, yet again, apologize and give thanks for putting up with this for so long. I'm beginning medicinal therapy on Monday to help with the already ongoing 'speaking therapy' so I'm hoping this shall help me out.

I couldn't get anywhere with Requited Change this week, due to the aforementioned intervention, though I doubt I would've been able to regardless.

This next month is free to current patrons. So the latter half of May shall have some goodies for you all.

There's not much left to say except you have my apologies yet again and I can't wait to get out on the other side of this cloud of depression I'm encapsulated in to get the stories rolling out again.

Make sure to take care of yourselves.

P.S. Thanks to DarkPhoenix for their donation, it's very generous of you and much appreciated.


Cole jones

Take however much time you need your mental health is important. I hope the therapy will be able to help. I wish you the best of luck.

Reiko Lupus

Take care! Don't push yourself!

Kieran Hale

Take all the time you need man, we’ll all still support you If it helps, remember that something made as a passion project is much more enjoyable than something made running on fumes


Sending you love, take care and look after yourself, we will be here with open arms when you return.


Take care of you. We are all here for you and your incredible work. You deserve the Best.


Let us Know if you need something specific