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Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

First of all, I am letting you all know that v0.05 won't be out this month, it shall be out towards the end of next month at the earliest. 

So now is the time to either stop your donation or lower it if you need to (I know things are still tough for people financially).

Next month (on the 1st) I shall be updating the payment plan on Patreon, thanks to everyone giving their views on the subject. So returning and new Patreons shall now be charged initially upon their return/ first pledge and then on the 1st of every month afterwards.

To let all of you know just what I have been up to, I have been doing long days on the game getting assets together to make it look prettier and more 'realistic' in a sense. I've looked at several thousand images and have resized, edited, cut, pasted and saved roughly 1500 images individually via photoshop, which has been ridiculously tedious and time consuming to do, but once I get the all the images I want I won't have to do it again.

I'm doing this as I am using a plugin which allows me to use practically any resource on any map and not be tied to the usual RPG Maker Tileset restrictions. Those who have worked with the system know what I am referring to, but for those who have not you are essentially limited to a certain number of tilesets, where all of your images are located for the game, per map. So there is only a certain amount of images that can be put on any given map that you are creating. There is a way around this but it creates massive bulk in the game files.

With this plugin a resource base is created that allows me to dump images in and use them on any map I wish so I can do better looking maps and events. The images are also small (some only a single KB in size) so it is better than the other system creating major file bulk.

Onto other news...

I have decided that I need another alternate source of income - don't worry, the work on the game isn't ending!

I have downloaded a piece of software to create my own 3D 'art' in the game, I wanted to raise enough revenue to do this professionally but I want to get artwork into the game ASAP and this is the cheapest way I can think of doing it. I am aiming to get manga style art in the game eventually but the 3D work shall have to be placeholder for now.

I may even start making comics for additional revenue using the 3D software, this in my mind is the best way forwards as I can potentially make some money to go towards proper art as TLotK is my passion project, but it just plainly isn't making enough money at the moment (not that I'm ungrateful AT ALL to the pledges being given, I am actually surprised that my little game has gained so much traction, I thank you all) but there is no work available for me in my trained industry where I live so I am taking steps to get some additional money in. These comics won't be related to the game and shall be lewd indeed, primarily focussed on gender bender/ feminization.

If I do this then 'Kitsune' Patreons and above shall be given the comics as a reward with the current version of TLotK.

I shall also be playing around with the Patreon Tiers a bit, but I shall put that to the vote tomorrow, just to see how you all feel about it.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and I shall speak to you all very shortly! :)



Can't wait for further news about the next update and this poll you said.


Bummer about the game getting set back, BUT Awesome that you've put another very welcome (as I'm concerned) flavor to it. Imo, I'll take the downtime whenever IF the culmination is quality, quality over quantity Always. I'm very glad you found new avenues to try to make money with.. though I shall not say I am psyched that it is upon lewdness (it's my view, will not change). This has been a good update, thank you for keeping us informed. I am also very curious to see what you have planned with the poll. I'm wholly not against in seeing changes to the pledges (I speak for myself), it's good to try out things, perhaps everyone will see/experience a benefit (one way or another).