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I've said this dozens - hundreds? - of times over the course of the game's development, but I really dislike the characters' body proportions. Anime characters are known for being tall and slender, and the Yandere Sim characters look like the exact opposite; short and wide. They also look too young, closer to "mid teen" than "18 or older." Oh, and don't get me started on the necks - those short, thick necks do not feel "anime" at all!

At various points throughout the game's development, I asked artists to try designing new body proportions for the characters. This was usually coupled with a secondary task of designing new school uniforms for them, as well.

Since it was evident that new character models would need to be created in order to achieve better body proportions, I figured, "Let's make sure that these new character models have absolutely everything they need in order to permit me to make the best yandere game ever" - and that meant making sure that the character models possessed extremely expressive faces.

I asked artists to create artwork of the protagonist performing various very extreme facial expressions so that I could approach a character modeler and say, "Here, this is the goal - this is what the character needs to be capable of!" so, over the years, a lot of artwork of Ayano making various facial expressions was created.

You'll find a lot of interesting ideas in this concept art, such as the idea of giving characters different-colored neckties depending on whether they are a first year, second year, or third year student. I hope you'll enjoy looking through all of this art!




5,3, and the pink eye idea sounds great! Do you have any idea when you’ll implement this into the game?


Not sure. I spoke about the topic of replacing the game's character models here: https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2023/01/05/yandere-simulators-upcoming-character-models/

Chelsea Sieben

6 and 7 are by far my favourites. And I absolutely love the pink eye idea!