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When I first created the intro cutscene for Yandere Simulator, I was extremely proud of it. However, now that I'm looking back at it 3 years later, I feel like I could do much better. I'm considering the idea of completely revising the visuals of the intro cutscene so that the game makes a bunch better impression on anyone who plays the demo build during the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

I know that a lot of people stopped paying attention to Yandere Simulator a few years ago. When someone returns to Yandere Sim after a 3 year absence from it, I want them to say, "WOW! This game has come so far and improved so much! I have faith that the final product will turn out good!" and one of the factors that will help to accomplish that will be a completely revised intro cutscene.

The above video is a short clip demonstrating some visual changes that I recently made to the game's intro cutscene. (You can watch the original video here.) Ideally, every single camera shot of the intro will be revised just as much.



Wow this looks amazing. Question tho will the cutscenes have kokona because I heard in one of the video you made about kokona that she will be the person you kill in the tutorial for rehearsal. And will it give the idea to ayaho to kill each rival because I think you said that in the video. If you can’t answer that yet I’m ok with waiting. Anyways I love it


It looks cool! By the way, are the new models still under development?


Kokona won't be in the intro cutscene, but will be featured in the tutorial.


I try not to bother the character model guy too often, since he's in a rough spot because of the Russia/Ukraine situation. But, I'll message him and ask him for an update.

Mika Fabre

The day the crowdfunding campaign closes, and hopefully your money goal is met- will be the happiest day of my existence in gaming. I can’t wait to play the full version of yandere