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Hello! I've written a new blog post that answers some frequently-asked questions in thorough detail. What will my next video be about? When will the new character models be revealed? When's the crowdfunding campaign? Check out this blog post I just wrote for all the answers, and more!


What's currently being worked on? What's next? When's the next rival?

Hi! According to this roadmap, we are currently in "Stage 4" of Yandere Simulator's development. But, what specifically am I working on right now, what are the next updates / videos going to be about, and when will the crowdfunding campaign be launched? In this blog post, I'll answer all of those questions, with details!...



Reading that blog post, I read that an addition would be made to jump forward if you kill the rival before the end of the week... O_O You can kill Osana before the end of the week?!? May I ask how? Does anyone have a walkthrough? I haven't finished a week yet, but it seems hard for poor old me to eliminate Osana even WITH the schemes. I have trouble understanding how the panty shots work and I have to be at specific places at specific times which is not intuitive to me etc. Eliminating Osana BEFORE the week is over seems impossible. NOTE: I am a casual gamer with no experience. This is not me complaining the game is too hard. I am simply bad at it and I know it. I don't expect the game to be tailored to my lack of skill for such games. I am simply not the target audience.


It's possible to kill Osana on any day of the week, even the first day, Monday. The most straightforward method is to distract Raibaru, then stab Osana when Raibaru isn't looking. You could also poison Osana's food if you take the steps to obtain lethal poison on Monday morning. If you eliminate Osana on Monday, you have 4 whole days to kill before the week ends and the story moves forward. A lot of people asked for the ability to just skip straight forward to the end of the week after Osana is dead, so I added it to the game. If you'd like tips on how to eliminate Osana, try purchasing one of Info-chan's "Schemes", accessible from the pause menu!