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Students can now react to blood pools, severed limbs, and bloody weapons! This is an extremely significant update; now that there are meaningful consequences for the player's actions, Yandere Simulator should feel much less like a half-finished debug sandbox, and much more like a real video game.

At this point, there are only a small handful of tasks I want to accomplish before I finally shift my focus to implementing Osana - and after that, it'll finally be time for the crowdfunding campaign!

 Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator! 


Yandere Simulator March 2019 Progress Report

"Box Cutter" artwork at 3:55 drawn by DreamCharlie: https://www.deviantart.com/dreamcharlie Life Note artwork at 5:55 drawn by MulberryArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mulberryart Yandere-chan voiced by Michaela Laws: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQTyMsas9G2_NAQkZFI-2UQ Yamiko voiced by Hayden Daviau: https://www.youtube.com/c/haydendaviauvo Life Note Narration provided by Michael Potok: https://www.youtube.com/user/RenoRebirth Life Note background music by Stallod Orch: https://soundcloud.com/stallod_orch To learn more about the game, visit https://yanderesimulator.com For development updates, visit https://yanderedev.wordpress.com For cool merch, visit https://crowdmade.com/yandere If you're concerned about rumors, visit https://yanderesimulator.com/debunk/



I'm happy you finally found a way to get NPCs to notice blood &c without crashing the framerate. I'm not sure I'm sold on the "Life Note"-style tutorial being in the demo, but it'll work for now. I think a how-to series of panels (drawn by Mulberry?) might be more effective - showing not telling - and possibly cheaper if the art is simple. Regardless, I'm impressed and proud of the progress you've made in the past month.


Looking good, YanDev, great to see the game coming together! All these features look interesting but if I could make one suggestion - if one of the pupils sees you cleaning up, it seems too punitive for them to automatically detect that you're disposing of evidence and then run to report you: it's unrealistic too, if you saw one of your colleagues mopping something in the hall you'd just assume that he was cleaning up a spilled drink and not hiding a body, and even if they were mopping up something red you might not assume first thing that it was blood unless you had prior reason to do so. A proposed alteration: If Yandere-chan's reputation is low (in which case the pupil first walks up to Yandere-chan's to berate the contemptible dolt's clumsiness for making a mess, sees the bloodstain upclose, then runs off to report it), if the School Atmosphere is low (in which case jumpy pupils think the worst of what they're seeing) or if a specific pupil is already suspicious of Yandere-chan or has lost her trust (in which case he assumes she's up to no good, walks up to confirm it, then runs to report) then seeing Yandere-chan cleaning should provoke a hostile reaction as you describe it. However, in normal conditions a bystander pupil with no other behaviour flags shouldn't report Yandere-chan just for being caught cleaning, although to ensure that it's not entirely consequence-free maybe Yandere-chan can take a mild reputation penalty from being seen to be slopping out like a menial. I feel that this system would be better to moderate the game's difficulty, provide another way to make your relationship with individual pupils relevant so enhancing the 'social stealth' aspects of the game, and to provide more granular flexibility for situation escalation and so create more opportunity for emergent gameplay options. For instance, making a suspicious pupil approach the cleaning Yandere-chan before detecting and reporting the blood is exciting for the player, with a few heart-stopping seconds where the player has to judge if the cleaning can be finished off before the target gets close enough to inspect, or if Yandere-chan needs to pull her knife and attack the interloper.


I totally understand that perspective! If a student sees you sweeping with a mop, or mopping up water/gasoline, they don't think much of it. However, if a student sees you mopping up *blood specifically*, they realize that something really shady is going on. A student shouldn't be messing around with a crime scene...unless they're the criminal, trying to hide evidence of what they did. I do think that, potentially, Yandere-chan's reputation at school could affect the way that students react to the sight of her doing something that appears suspicious at first glance, like mopping up blood. I'll gather feedback from others and determine if it's something that doesn't work out in its current form.