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Hello everyone! Wednesday's here and I wanted to give everyone an update on the next episode. I recently posted this picture to twitter, asking if anyone could recognize what these two enemies have in common, as a hint regarding my next episode:

The correct answer is Poise! (they both have the same amount)

Dark Souls Dissected #13 is underway and it's all about poise, which is something I wanted to cover with Elden Ring on the horizon. There won't be any Elden Ring spoilers, but a closer look at how the previous games worked could be helpful for anyone who wants to know more.

I finished writing the script a few days ago and finished recording and editing my voice earlier this morning. Voice editing is usually the most tedious and un-fun part of the editing process.  As much as I'd love to go in with the confidence to do everything as a first take without thinking about it, I find myself saying each line ~3 times because of unintended, weird little sounds that can happen from time to time. I think this saves me more time in the end since going back to re-record a bunch of takes I don't like, and not trying to have it sound horribly "ADR'd" is a bigger hassle. So the raw audio for a half hour episode can easily run 90+ minutes instead, which means a lot of hands-on trimming and cleaning up.

This makes completing the main vocal track a major milestone for everything I make, because moving on to the video capture and editing process is instantly more rewarding and enjoyable.

I've just started the video project file and I'm only two clips in, but this is where it gets fun and where it feels like my efforts start coming to life. I can't predict the final length exactly; Although I try to naturally include pauses in my vocal audio while trying to imagine what the video will look like (there's a nebulous storyboard in my head, of sorts), of course some footage winds up demanding longer pauses in a lot of places, shorter in some others, etc. But as of right now the audio file predicts a length of roughly 37 minutes!

I went into this thinking it'd be more like a 15-20 minute video, but I found that I really did have that much to say about poise. Hope you're looking forward to it!



I propose a cover of the Sabrina classic Boys, but about poise poise poise. I dig these updates. Editing spoken word sounds like heck, but that may just be because my voice makes my skin crawl.