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So in the Soul Memory video, I had a part explaining how I think Bandai Namco wasn't lying when they gave us incorrect information. I can elaborate on that some more here.

Taking another look at the incorrect tier information from my inside source, which we can assume to merely be outdated-information by the time the game was released, we see something interesting in Tiers 1-9. Brackets that were all 50,000 wide.

The incorrect matchmaking information we got in that official statement from Bandai Namco suggested being within 50K Soul Memory. 

I think some vagueness and/or a breakdown in communication between From and Namco, combined with this specific (but outdated) tier list explains the explanation we got. Maybe they weren't allowed to say much about how the different items spanned different tiers, or maybe they didn't fully understand it themselves, but they must've looked at this tier list and made a suggestion based on the size of the smallest tiers found within.

This provides more context for that hypothetical "game of telephone" I raised, and makes me not really fault them for not having the full picture. It really does seem like they were trying to work with the information they had available.


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