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Even though the experiments were very demanding, Excella made sure that the team also harmonised in their free time to achieve a thriving working atmosphere...

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It's high time for a water level report. It was definitely the right decision to pause the pledges for January. In addition to catching a cold at the end of last year and my little vacation, I've now been laid up for a few more days (incl. virtually all my friends and family). So I only managed to animate about 100 seconds of Persistant Evil 2 in January.

Gif from the Intro-Animations, made in January.

But I think it was also good to get a bit of distance from the project so that I can get back into it in Feburary with more motivation. Unfortunately, I still haven't found the perfect solution to this ptoblem for movies with a long runtime. But for now batteries are recharged. 🙂

My plan now is to roughly animate the project from start to finish so that I can get an idea of the entire scope of the film and then move on to the final detailed animations, recordings etc.. Accordingly there will be regular reports again from now on. 

Thank you for still being here! 🤗




I think I can speak for everyone when I say we understand. We're all looking forward to Part 2, but you're health and well-being is more important.

Lady Abysso (Patron)

This is the perfect solution for movies with a long runtime: Take your time, don't overwork, work bit by bit with no rush, and forget deadlines and dates. Prioritize your health. Honestly Des, I think you are the only one who is pressuring yourself. I loved the intro animations!

Joseph Hayes

Happy to hear your feeling better but always put your health first, everyone here is happy to wait if it means its even better when finished


Great news that you're feeling better! Take your time and make sure you stay healthy. Not going anywhere and looking forward to the finished animation 😁


I'm so looking forward to this animation. Never was a huge fan of forced/rapey animations but Desires, you do something to me and I love your work. I hope this one is like the first and doesn't pull the punches with the forced/rape sex. Take your time and make sure not to overwork yourself and release a movie you approve of. Don't force a deadline release date on yourself. Your work is worth waiting for.


Deadlines are something, I will never give up on and always will fail. 😅


I agree. Domination is cool but she has to be into it. Unless she isn't... Then you tell her, "Learn your place, PEASANT WHORE!!"


Hey there. Been a big fan of your work for a while. Are there currently any archives? I went to the old posts but all the links are down. Thank you and keep up the good work!


Feel free to send me a DM and I will provide the archive link, if you are a >=2,-€-Supporter. :-)


I wish you would do more of the witch story. Love that piece

Nathan Rosser

How do I access the 5 minute witcher short movie you posted about in November I can't find it

Lost Soul (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 10:57:50 Collections>Movies https://www.patreon.com/collection/142212?view=expanded
2024-02-11 10:57:50 Collections>Movies https://www.patreon.com/collection/142212?view=expanded
2024-02-11 10:57:50 Collections>Movies https://www.patreon.com/collection/142212?view=expanded
2024-02-09 14:16:21 Collections>Movies https://www.patreon.com/collection/142212?view=expanded

Collections>Movies https://www.patreon.com/collection/142212?view=expanded

Some person

Update coming soon??