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First of all, I wish you a happy new year!

Mine started straight away with a cold, which is unfortunately still lingering and doesn't feel like it will be over tomorrow.

As I'm pretty much laid up, couldn't work much between Christmas and New Year's Eve and will also be on holiday for a week in January (in other words, 3 weeks in which I can't really work effectively), I've decided to pause Patreon for this period so that it's not your loss.

I will continue to work whenever possible and maybe even post something, but I probably won't be able to work full time again until February.

I hope for your understanding and wish you a good start into the new year! 🙂



Luis Velez

Awesome and take the time you need.


Get well soon!


Thanks for the update! Get some rest, drink plenty of fluids, and don't worry too much about things here in the meantime. Happy New Year!


I've already been charged for January sooo. Please get better.


Get well soon, and happy new year🎉


This is automatically transferred to February. The next pledge for you would then be in March. 🙂


We need a mortal kombat movie.

The Devil You Know

Get some deserved rest Desire! Happy new year!


Im sure nurse Triss would take care of you 😈 Hope you get better soon my guy! 😋


Happy New Year. I've enjoyed your Witcher work a lot and was hoping to get a small update on what your working on because I would love to see more Mass Effect content mainly with Liara.


Happy New Year. It's no fun being sick on the holidays. I hope you get well soon.


Please rest up no need to rush we'll all still be here

Joseph Hayes

Get some rest, never fun having a cold


Cassie cage MK video would be awesome as well but I’m glad you locking in on PE2


Go get some well deserved rest!


Get some well deserved rest and get well soon!


Happy new year everyone 🥳🎆 !


Werd schnell gesund mein Freund und hoffe du bist gut durchgerutscht 👶🏻🙌🏻


Man you always give these dope wallpapers but no movies come from them.


Jobs should provide PTO. This is a job. Why are you not taking PTO for sick/vacation time?


Lol, well this job is similar to freelance labor and they hardly have benefits.. just hire to do a job then get released


Thank you, but I see this more as self-employment and so there shouldn't be a PTO imo. :-)


That is your prerogative. Obviously, I view it differently. I offer money in support of you, so that you are free to continue creating. Part of supporting an artist is supporting their free time. You deserve that. Either way, get well soon and enjoy your holiday. I look forward to seeing what you create for us in the coming months.

Sourcefan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 10:31:59 Just blasted through your entire archive in about 10 days total, haha. Overdose on futa just how I had hoped for, its all downloaded but didn't watch all of the long movies just yet, the rough and rawness of the sex is absolutely heavenly to watch and you basically only choose very sexy futas! For sure you have 1 more supporter for life now. Looking forward to more updates now I have caught up.
2024-01-14 10:31:59 Just blasted through your entire archive in about 10 days total, haha. Overdose on futa just how I had hoped for, its all downloaded but didn't watch all of the long movies just yet, the rough and rawness of the sex is absolutely heavenly to watch and you basically only choose very sexy futas! For sure you have 1 more supporter for life now. Looking forward to more updates now I have caught up.
2024-01-14 10:31:59 Just blasted through your entire archive in about 10 days total, haha. Overdose on futa just how I had hoped for, its all downloaded but didn't watch all of the long movies just yet, the rough and rawness of the sex is absolutely heavenly to watch and you basically only choose very sexy futas! For sure you have 1 more supporter for life now. Looking forward to more updates now I have caught up.
2024-01-06 10:38:14 Just blasted through your entire archive in about 10 days total, haha. Overdose on futa just how I had hoped for, its all downloaded but didn't watch all of the long movies just yet, the rough and rawness of the sex is absolutely heavenly to watch and you basically only choose very sexy futas! For sure you have 1 more supporter for life now. Looking forward to more updates now I have caught up.

Just blasted through your entire archive in about 10 days total, haha. Overdose on futa just how I had hoped for, its all downloaded but didn't watch all of the long movies just yet, the rough and rawness of the sex is absolutely heavenly to watch and you basically only choose very sexy futas! For sure you have 1 more supporter for life now. Looking forward to more updates now I have caught up.