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 Did I do the right thing? - After each test chamber Monkey is recalling those words from Trip in his mind. Why didn’t they joined Pyramids army of mindless, but happy slaves? Why did they choose a world, showing the old wonders from the past with no chance to ever see them in their original glory?

There is nothing left of those old days…exept one thing…A mysterious creature called GLaDOS, which trapped Trip and Monkey in it’s rabbit hole, testing them with senseless trials all day long. Monkey gave up to escape from this place - instead he starts to regret Trip’s decision to kill Pyramid and ending up with her in this horror of reality. Trip, knowing about his feelings, tries all she can to keep those thoughts away from him, keep their love alive…keep their hearts and minds free from this creature trying to enslave them both…

I am finalizing my next greater witcher-animation atm and I am looking forward to release it someday next week. But I needed a little break and so I thougt of a little mixup of two of my favorite games. Portal and of course the one and only true mechanical-dinosaurs-setting-game Enslaved! Horizon will never stay a chance against this masterpiece.

Hope you like.

Download (4K / Mixtape)

Special thanks to:

  • @shittyhorsey for the Enslaved-Models
  • @Kaylan &  @barbellsfm for the cum-props
  • tetTris for the GLaDOS-model
    Ninja Theory for all their awesome games. Guys, have a look on upcoming Hellblade - it will be awesome! 



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