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Greetings lads,

I just want to share with you one little shot of my next animation. it will be finished in first or second week of 2017 and well...I won't tell anymore for now, except that it already includes 7 characters and that number will definitly raise.  - So maybe you already have an idea. ;-)




Ladies Man 7777

Mmmm a white Christmas for these girls...

Robert Arctor

Hel-looo 2017 :p I'm more of a nakadashi fan myself, but as long as the ladies are having fun, everybody wins ;) Impressive fluid control with the animation!


And another japanese word, I learned. If I ever visit that coutnry, it could get embarressing - since 90% of the known words have either something to do with sex or war. :-P


The force is strong in this one