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For the past 10 days I have finally been dealing with something that has been bothering me for a very long time: The Triss 3D-Model.

Since I didn't really have any skills in 3D modelling, I used the wildest solutions to make Triss look the way I like her best. Accordingly, her head, body and...well, you know...consisted of three different models, which were then joined together in SFM.

Of course, the trained eye immediately saw that the transitions were very unclean, or hardly existent, even though I always tried to conceal it with depth of field, light and camera angle.

I also received feedback from you several times regarding this topic and for me it got harder to look at this flaw with every day.

That's why I tried to build my own Triss model without further ado, which I can easily incorporate into the existing animations. It took me countless attempts, a lot of help from outside and also a lot of nerves, but today it finally worked. 

You can see the much smoother transitions - which are not yet perfect, as I unfortunately worked rather sloppily with all the problems occuring. I will now use the new knowledge to build another clean Triss model from scratch. 

Nevertheless, I am very happy to finally be able to clear this immersion-inhibiting issue. For far too long I have tried the old method.




The details🥵


Nice the evolution of your art is a pleasure to see 😎


I have never had any urge to complain, but I understand being your own biggest critic. I love the attention to detail and it is very impressive, as always thank you for using your creativity to create art for all of us to enjoy!


It's beautiful!


On the right her boobs seem smaller. I hope you didn't reduce the size. That would be a shame.


No worries, that was just caused by my sloppy work in that first try. 😋

Joe Shmoe

Looks amazing dude! Love to see the new Triss model when it is finished.


sorry to say but why make the lovely uber feminine Triss so manly .. love the cock but her body is all muscle sad to say


Love the new progress in the evolution of Triss


that was about to my only complaint, "no don't shrink the titties!" lol love your work, your movies have only gotten better with each one!


Same, love thick women .. leave the muscles at home


The light at this camera angle makes her pecs appear more visible than they actually are. In the last iteration I reduced her muscles in favour of little more curves.

James DONATO Irvin

I've always loved women with big cocks. Strap-On or otherwise. BUT still keeping their feminine curves and NOT too much muscle. (I've practiced yoga for decades, and I've always loved to watch the TONED and STRONG, but NOT-overly body-built, yoginis that I've practiced with.) Please, if possible, shift BACK to more femininely-curvacious creatures in your work. I know that some people go for the female-body-builder look, but NOT me. Your women have PLENTY of weight in their bodies and arms and legs to get the job done. Why make them look like freaks? And ever more so, as time is going on?