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Hi folks,

Probably the second last status report before the release on next Thursday. :-)  

About 50% of post production are finished. Currently I am syncing hundreds over hundreds of thrust-sounds with the video-footage. It should be a painful work, but when you can listen to great voice actresses like in the above preview-clip, it for sure is a lot more entertaining. 😉 

 This is, how sound-editing for this movie looks like.  

 Did I mention, that I like sound...^.^

Well, I really hope, Robert.
Thank you all for your amazing feedback in the past weeks.  I hardly could sleep the last days, since with the release being so close, I am really getting nervous about your opinion on the movie and if it will be able to stand that "spicy anticipation".  😬

Well, to put you in the right mood, I recommend to watch "Obsession - Corruption of the Lodge 2" before the release, since the third movie will take place directly after the events of that video.

4 more days.


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Looking forward to this masterpiece


^ what he said


Keira is hot...


Technical question , what do you expect the file size for the 1080p version will be?


uhh, I really don't know. 2-3gb maybe? But I provide different bitrate-versions for smaller sizes.


this gif is super hot. I honestly can't fucking wait!


This looks like it's going to be awesome.


between this and TerribleFairy's vid this month will have so much Grade A futa


Not sure who TerribleFairy is. Can you link so I can educate myself :)


HOLY COW that Keira voice actress is going all in :O . Come on hurry up Thursday !!!


Something is wrong with the clip. I click on it, the image goes blank and it only show a link that if I use it, I watch a gif without sounds.


Desire you can't put your mind and body at ease. This is going to be like your Symphony No. 9. I'm so of it :)


So hyped!!!


Video link doesn't work :(


We appreciate the time and effort that you put into your craft.


Hmm, strange. Alternativly you can watch it here: https://twitter.com/DesireSfm/status/1251889268466880515


You can watch it here too: https://twitter.com/DesireSfm/status/1251889268466880515 Sorry for your trouble. It is the first time, I tried the video-function of Patreon.

Hego Damask

I look forward with hard anticipation!

The Devil You Know

Damn, I dont think I can handle the wait anymore!


HOLY F**K! 20 minutes!?!?!? Hyyyyyype!

Robert Arctor

Damn, that is a lovely, lovely voice! Talented artists do love working together :) Thank you for the short tease. Keira and Ciri are looking great together. Obsession levels are definitely rising :p


The voice actresses did a great job, waiting for april 23


ight imma save up till Thursday then ;)


love the fluidity of your animations and the sounds add so much. i also make pmvs based on your work and others lol


Salut donc la sortie et pour jeudi ?

I Am Gojo

1 more day boys!


It's lovely Mr. Desire, I'll be seeing you tomorrow !


Sorry, I don't speak francais and the google translator doesn't provide a useful translation. Could you may ask your question in English? 😬


hi i'm asking if the trip was planned for thursday?


Yes, release will be tomorrow. I will make another news-post soon today.