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Another two wallpapers based on the excellent taste of two patrons.

Corruption 3 Status Update

Animations are done! 🥳

Well, I have to rerender some parts here and there because of smaller glitches, but the animations themselves are finished.

And before someone is asking: I don't know the final runtime yet, because post production will only start now. But what I can say is, the sex-part alone will have a runtime of about 16 minutes. 🤤

11 more days...




God I can't wait!


Will there be a scene with balls fondling ?

Supreme Overlord Llama

So close now :D These wallpapers are fantastic for sure and even some Mortal Kombat :O


Can’t wait!


16 MINUTES!!!!!!?????

Futa is superior

Holy fuck😳 16 whole fuckin minutes..........shit there's gonna be a lot of milked out balls😈


i’m excited


Oooooohhhhh! Aaaaannnnntttttiiiiicccciiiiipppppaaattttiiiioooonnnn is killing me!


That buff Ves is mighty fine.


I cannot stress at how hard my dick is for this release


I love love love everything about your work; the story, the lighting, the ambiance, the sound work and everything about, how it all comes together to paint a picture that's simultaneously erotic and artistic. However, I have to say one thing: I've noticed that your work is progressively edging further and further into "Hyper" proportions. Please, don't go down that road. Your work is so wonderful due in large part to the believeability of it. Sure it's fantasy and all that, but when the dick is as thick as someone's leg it starts getting... jarring. It snaps you out of the fantasy and knocks you out of the moment because it's just an in-your-face reminder, and in my opinion, it looks absurd when people use such massive body proportions. So, maybe it's just me that feels this way, I'm not sure. Of course I know I'm not your only sub, and I know you don't "answer" to me or anything, I just wanted to voice my opinion. Thanks for reading (if you do :) and I can't wait for Corruption Part 3!!! :D


brilliant, tasty, erotica! a welcome distraction... thank you!


Yeah, I'll admit these wallpapers are just at the line of what I still enjoy (and I do still enjoy them!) But any thicker than this and the dicks get a bit too comical for me. I trust Desire though, I think they know how far to push it.


Is there a BJ scene or any surprises? Or is it just what was shown in WIPS (doggy style, foursome, girl on top)?


More. Buff. Vex.


I won't spoil. But sure, the WIPs show a lot of scenes/poses from the movie. I hope, I still have enough surprises left for you. 😈

Hego Damask

I have said this before, but that picture of Ciri is the picture of a woman whose whole visage and demeanor radiates pure joy and acceptance of who she is and what she was placed in the world for ;)


Always coming through with the good stuff:) Is there an archive link? The previous archive links are all dead. Thanks in advance :)

Robert Arctor

The best spice in life is... anticipation. And this will be a very spicy feast, indeed!


Oh man, will you do anything with that big, bulky woman in the left of the ciri poster anytime?


Well, I never used that model in an animation so far... 😏 We will see. 😈

James English

Would love to see the butch looking one and the short dark haired one play more of a part in next one!