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Project Poll & Wallpaper

  • Miranda in Charge 2 145
  • Corruption of the Lodge 3 353
  • 2019-06-30
  • —2019-07-09
  • 498 votes
{'title': 'Project Poll & Wallpaper', 'choices': [{'text': 'Miranda in Charge 2', 'votes': 145}, {'text': 'Corruption of the Lodge 3', 'votes': 353}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 9, 17, 15, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 30, 17, 17, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 498}


First let me thank you so much for all these lovely comments below my latest post. I take a lot of strenght from them. You can't underestimate, how important things like these are to me. <3

As a little thanks, here's another wallpaper:

Download (4320p) 


Also I have a good and at the same time bad news for you. While continuing to work on Miranda in Charge 2 over the past weeks, I felt, that something was missing in it. So MMJ and I reworked the script (and still do for the outro). And I think, we now created a really interesting storyline, which will make this movie feel like a real sequel to the first one and as an important part of a trilogy. For that we will add three more story-scenes and an additional sex-pose with transistions as well.  Of course additional audio records will be necessary too (Main actresses are already informed and ready to record). 

Bad news is, this will take more time. So now I am in the situation, that Miranda in Charge 2 and Corruption of the Lodge 3 are both  equally advanced. 

So I would like to ask you, which of both projects you want to see finished first?



My vote goes to "Corruption of the Lodge 3" . Sorry Femshep ^^; but I just like Triss a tad more ;-) . Out of curiosity but do you think that either for "Miranda in Charge 2" or "Corruption of the Lodge 3" July might be realistic for a release ? No rush though resolving family matters still comes first though and we will all gladly put up with some more additionally waiting due to that °__^ .


We already have Miranda in Charge 1 which is a complete banger, just legendary, it will stand the test of time! Corruption of the lodge 3 with Triss fucking everybody! I just can't wait for that!😝😝😝

Supreme Overlord Llama

While I am bigger fan of Miranda in Charge, I voted for Lodge 3. Mixing it up :)


All of my yes on Corruption!


Any chance to see some futa on futa in the future?


Corruption for sure!


Miranda in Charge was solid but both parts of Corruption so far have been godlike, so I've got to give the nod to Corruption. There's just something about the Witcher girls man.




I assume that's a bruxae in the background pulling the strings and pushing Triss on? It's pretty hot having her pushing Triss on even when Triss is spent.


Just had to vote for Corruption 3. I absolutely ADORE Miranda in Charge (simply divine! Thank you again for such a masterpiece) and can't wait for the sequel but i'm in desperate need for Corruption with my girl Triss. See what else she gets up to


not a triss fan ciri good though..miranda my fav but the creator should make the final call


Am I that blind? I don't see a Bruxa anywhere. I see Triss, Yen, Philippa, Margarita, Fringilla, Sheala and Keira... no Bruxa.


Too bad my girl ciri wasn't invited to this party :D Thoroughly enjoyed the image either way!


Hi Supernerd, I noticed while working on Forgotten Ruins/Carnal Eve, that I am not really into Futa on Futa, so the answer is probably no. But well...taste changes over time, right? ;-)


Hi JohnboyX, Can't really say yet. The voice recordings for Corruption 3 (which seems to be the vote winner atm) are finished, so I won't loose time with waiting for these, but as well the movie has still a lot of complex animations, that need to be created - I just say "ritual" ;-)


Anything with futas is great by my book! Thank you for all the work you've done so far.


Personally all I want is another Miranda in charge but I also want a fully nude episode 1 version since I love full nudity; clothing more so heavy clothing is a turn off for myself in particular.


Corruption please


I want to see a dominating triss 💪🏼


I feel better with your medieval themed works. I hope to see more fantasy medieval themes, the music, the feel and everything.. so corruption it is.

Kevin Lansford

The lodge getting futa fucked by triss is my purpose for living.


this might seem really out of nowhere but whatever did happen to that uncharted project you were working on? also cmon people, let miranda get her sequel, triss is about to have a trilogy


I'm voting for Miranda, but only if it's Shepard training up and getting in shape to dick Miranda senseless :P


I am struggleing with one animation of the Uncharted-movie, which is really important for the clip. Till I found a solution, this project is on pause for now. The Corruption-series will actually have four movies. And Miranda will get her Trilogy. ;-)

Undercity 4

Wow, I thought everyone would be down for a Miranda 2 right about now. But instead they want some more Witcher. I'm usually not active on patreon, hell I forgot I even had one. So I suppose if the Master has to vote, I'll go with Jet Set Radio Future, I mean Miranda 2. But the poll ended, so I guess I lucked out this time. Oh well, maybe I'll catch the next one.


yea bummed me out.. witcher cant hold a candle to miranda and compayny...but still love the work!!!