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Yesterday I received news about serious family matters and because of that I will not be at home a lot for the rest of the week.

Sorry for confronting you with this, but I think, it is fair, that you know, what's going on, since I have to pause most of my work for the rest of the week.

I will send you another update this weekend, when I know, how things will develop.



Dude there is no problem. Just take care of yourself and take your time.

Meta Prime

Take as long as you need. Family comes first as does the real world.


Take all the time you need man for real

Robert Arctor

It's good to be close to our loved ones, especially in hard times. Take your time, and see you on the other side. Best wishes.


Take as much time as you need bro, family should always come first!


A week? seven days!? Fool this is Family ur dealing with, book it to the end of time man! BOOK IT!


Condolences on your family member. Safe travels and best wishes for you. Family should always supercede any other commitments in our lives.

Feras al harbi

Wish you luck during your time if sorrow


I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t worry, we’ll wait an extra week to see futashep fuck Miranda senseless

King Kirby

I'm very sorry to hear that, take your time and do what you have to do. We'll be here!


That sucks man, condolences. Nobody's worried about an update in the face of something like that. Take your time.

Baron Von Seide

Reality beats plans, every time. Take all the time you need, of course. (Should go without saying, but I’m saying it anyway!)


Family first. I appreciate your artwork and what you do. Never let work supercede family and your personal health. Thanks again


You take as much time as you need to mourn your loss, and our hopes and wishes go with you, Desire. I'm so sorry for this.


My condolences. Please take the time you need.


Take care of you family first. We will still be here when you get back

Dave Ort

Very sorry to hear. Family first is best.


Family first always


When it comes to family you don't even have to justify yourself ;-) (and I say this as an impatient fool ^^; ) . Take all the time you need and just continue with your work when you feel ready again. I wish you all the best °__^ .


No worries. Your work is like a roller coaster ride! I can wait😘


I hope the best for you and your family.