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I am looking forward to finish the intro-animations of the movie this week  (around 4 minutes of animation). Since this is 100% story and 0% erotic content, I won't have any WIPs to share for that part of the project.
Once I am done with the intro, I will continue with animating the ritual, that started all the trouble for the lodge. The ritual will definitelly have some lewd parts, I can publish as a WIP-Animation. ;-)

Besides that I have another great news (at least for me). From this May on I will reduce my RL-work from four to two days per week, which means, that I will have way more time to spend on my animations. :-)

That's it for now. The next WIP-Animation will probably follow in about two weeks, once I have finished some bigger parts of the ritual.




Does this mean maybe that fat butt, busty, cute dark elf/demon will finally be involved in the lewds this time. Love her from the intro from part 2.


Well, her role will be much bigger than in the first two videos. That's all I will say so far to this topic. ;-)

Robert Arctor

I'm really looking forward to the story! That look of determination on Triss' face is *very promising :p On the other hand I hate spoilers, so it's better not to get any previews of it ;) Congrats on reducing your time at work! Make the most of it :)


Okis, great work!!!, thanks for your works


hehehe ^_^

Undercity 4

Dick is already hard.


Hello. First I would like to thank you for the series of animations with triss merigold. You have no idea how glad I was to see this the very first time. It is likely that I never experienced such positive emotions before your animations with her. Thank you so much! Question about video - can you consider creating an optional version with subtitles? I do not understand English very well at the ear, and maybe I’m not the only one to whom the subtitles would be a clearer option to read the stories in this video. If you do not want to do this, then I understand you perfectly. This is an extra job and there is no guarantee that it will be necessary for someone other than myself and a few people. In any case, thank you again. I am one of the most loyal fans of Triss Merigold and you can believe me. I say it all from the heart.


Hi Steven, Thank you very much. And your English really doesn't sound bad, but anyway an optional subtitle at least for the download-version should be possible.