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Since I focussed on the story-animations for "Corruption 3" the past weeks, this request from one pal, who is always a great help to me, was a welcome distraction:

It plays before "Miranda in Charge" and gives a little more explanation on how Miranda could have outlasted Shepard. ;-P

Ps: It felt really good to finish something after all these months. Even if it was only this little clip, which took me about 10 hours or so. 

Another "Corruption 3" Status report should follow soon. I made a lot of progress. :-)



Robert Arctor

I am SO motivated for an evening at the gym right now :p


That was nice! Any chance we get to see some buff girl with big attributes?

Luke Pandora

That was amazing new idea at gym, please show us what is in your mind :)

Jason Schneider-Fuller

Her squat technique concerns me... weight on the front of the foot, heels not flat, not ideal... her form though... can't argue with that :-)


I just got triggered by Miranda squatting on tiptoes


Are you eventually going to make a sequel to Miranda in charge?


Can my tongue be her towel after she is done🤤😵😍😂😁


I loved Miranda in Charge. Favorite ME animation ever. Hope to see the teaser lead to a full sequel


I have no concrete plans, but I will return to ME some day for sure. :-)


I don't have concrete plans yet, but I would wonder, if I wouldn't return to ME in the future.


And that's why feedback is important. I probably will change it till public release. Thank you, Nighthawk. :-)


Witcher what preparation?


Dude talking for myself here but I do care a lot more about what you have in store for EDI than the witcher (needless to say you're doing great as always)


Since there will be a new Miranda-Model-Release soon, I will definitely return to ME one day. Don't worry.

Undercity 4

Dick is even harder for this one. -takes it out anyways and beats it he work out gif, cause he's crazy like that-